Saturday, December 12, 2015

Virtual Machine : Not enough Physical Memory is available to power on

Hi Guys,

Most of us use VM's to practice different tools in our personal machines. Today i just observed an issue where my VM's struck and when i tried to restart i received the below error.

I did some research and found that this is because of a windows update on Windows 8 and above versions . By the way i'm using Windows 10 and VM build 10. The VM is with Windows 7 64 bit and 4 GB ram.

Go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features, then select View installed updates at the top left corner.

Locate Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2995388) and uninstall it. This is a optional update for Windows 8 and above.

Please restart the machine and try accessing the VM now it should work just fine.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oracle Apps : XXX Not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator

It's very good to say that i have started working now on Oracle Apps, of-course i am not doing any hardcore work but just sharing few activities to just get some knowledge. We recived one request from one of the users saying he is getting a weird error when trying to login to the Oracle Apps.

The error says "XXX Not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator".

I have done some research online at last found one that solved my issue.


This happened because the user responsibility has been updated but middle tiers has yet to pick the change in assigned responsibility. To resolve this issue we need to clear the middle tier cache.


1) Login with System Administrator Responsibility
2) Navigate to System Administrator> Profile > System, click on User and enter the user name
3) Search for profile 'Applications Start Page'. Delete the value set at user level and save
4) Go to Functional Administrator -> Cacheing Framework > Clear All Cache
5) Try logging into the account and try again

Monday, September 28, 2015

MS Excel : Split multiple sheets of One Workbook into Separate Workbooks

In continuation to my previous post on Split data into different sheets based on a column , we will now see on how to split the Workbook with multiple sheets into separate workbooks with sheet names as workbook names.

One we have completed the data split as per my previous post, we are left with a workbook with multiple sheets , each sheet will have data related to a USER and the sheet names are the respective USER_ID's.

Now save the workbook with some name and open the macro editor.

  1. Press ALT+F11 , to open macro editor
  2. Under Insert , Click on Module
  3. Please paste the below code in the module 
  4. Press F5 to run
Sub Splitbook()
Dim xPath As String
xPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each xWs In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=xPath & "\" & xWs.Name & ".xls"
    Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

This code will split the sheets of one workbook into multiple workbooks with sheet name as workbook name in the same folder of the original workbook.

MS Excel - Split data from one sheet to different sheets based on a column

Recently we have had a small issue with the BI Publisher and we had to run a report manually and implement the Bursting technique somehow to split the data generated by the Data Model ,so that we can email the report to the respective Users.

We ran the SQL used in the data model against the EBS  and was able to get the data for all the users.Now the primary agenda here is to split the data on user basis and send them their data respectively.

Lets say my Excel Workbook has one sheet "Sheet1" and has the below columns


We have two steps here 
  1. Split the data from Sheet1 into multiple sheets based on USER_ID in the same workbook
  2. Split the created sheets of workbook into separate Excel workbooks
This can be achieved  by using macros. Lets see how the first step can be done.

  • Open the Excel Workbook, Press [ALT+F11] which will open Macro editor
  • Under Insert tab, Click on Module
  • Paste the below code in the Module window.
  • Make sure the highlighted columns are edited as per your requirement.
"vcol " should be column number based on which the split will happen
"Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")" is sheetname in which the data is available  
title = "A1:G1"  is the headings - my case it's 7 so G.
  • Once the code edit is done , Press F5
Macro to be used

Sub parse_data()
Dim lr As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim vcol, i As Integer
Dim icol As Long
Dim myarr As Variant
Dim title As String
Dim titlerow As Integer
vcol = 1        
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")        
lr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, vcol).End(xlUp).Row
title = "A1:G1"           
titlerow = ws.Range(title).Cells(1).Row
icol = ws.Columns.Count
ws.Cells(1, icol) = "Unique"
For i = 2 To lr
On Error Resume Next
If ws.Cells(i, vcol) <> "" And Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ws.Cells(i, vcol), ws.Columns(icol), 0) = 0 Then
ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, icol).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = ws.Cells(i, vcol)
End If
myarr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ws.Columns(icol).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants))
For i = 2 To UBound(myarr)
ws.Range(title).AutoFilter field:=vcol, Criteria1:=myarr(i) & ""
If Not Evaluate("=ISREF('" & myarr(i) & "'!A1)") Then
Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = myarr(i) & ""
Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End If
ws.Range("A" & titlerow & ":A" & lr).EntireRow.Copy Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Range("A1")
Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Columns.AutoFit
ws.AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub

For splitting the multiple sheets into separate Workbooks please refer here

Monday, September 21, 2015

Unable to start bi_server1 after changing the listening port to 80

We recently tried changing the listener port of the analytics web application from 9704 to 80 using the WebLogic Administration Console. When we tried the restart of bi_server1, the BI Services now fail to start successfully.

When we tried the log files to see what is causing the issue , we found the below error.

After some investigation we found the issue was caused because we didn't perform the system reboot.On the whole below are the steps performed to change the port.

Port Change in Console

Change the Analytics port number from 9704 to 80 following the instructions given in the Configure Listen Ports section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help 11g Release 1 (10.3.3) Part Number E13952-03.
Here are the steps:
  • Log in to WebLogic console: http://servername:7001/console.
  • Go to Environment -> Servers. Click on Lock and Edit button -> Configuration tab -> click on bi_server1 link -> set Listen Port: to 80 -> click on Save.
  • Click on Activate Changes button.
Stop the instance:
  • Stop the OBIEE components from command prompt:
[FMW_HOME]\instances\instance1\bin\opmnctl stopall
  • Stop the Managed server from GUI. Access the weblogic console from a browser (replace "hostname" by the machine name):
  • Log in, Environment -> Servers -> Control -> select bi_server1 -> click on Stop. It will take some time for the Managed server to stop.
  • Stop the Admin server from GUI. Access weblogic console from a browser (replace "hostname" by the machine name):
  • Log in, Environment -> Servers -> Control -> select AdminServer(admin) -> click on Stop. It will take some time for the Admin server to stop.
  • Stop the Node Manager. Go to Windows Services and stop "Oracle WebLogic Node Manager".
  • Reboot the machine. This is required. If you attempt to restart the BI instance without rebooting the machine, it will fail.

Start the instance:

  • Start NodeManager. Go to Windows Services and start "Oracle WebLogic Node Manager".
  • Start the Admin server from command prompt:

It will ask you for the user name and password. Specify the user details that you have mentioned at the time of the 11g install.

Wait until you see a message that the Admin server is in running mode.
  • Start the Managed server from GUI. Access weblogic console from a browser (replace "hostname" by the machine name):
  • Log in, Environment -> Servers -> Control -> select bi_server1 -> click on start
It will take some time for the Managed server to start. Wait until you see Running status.
  • Start the OBIEE components from command prompt:
[FMW_HOME]\instances\instance1\bin\opmnctl startall

Note: You many want to change the port number in the start up scripts provided when OBIEE is installed. Those scripts are static and port number needs to be updated manually there.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Creating a Database Directory in Oracle

Oracle database has many features which run outside the database. For example we have external tables, Export,Import ,SQL * Loader etc. For all these features we might need a directory to place the respective files. We cannot just give the path in the statements all the times.

We have the ability to create directories in the database and point it to any where on the server.Below command can be used to create directory.

CREATE [OR REPLACE] DIRECTORY directory_name AS 'path_name';

Example: CREATE DIRECTORY TEMP_DIR AS 'C:\Filepath\ExternalTables\Flatfiles';

Monday, August 10, 2015

OBIEE 11g: Basics of Presentation Layer

Presentation layer is the only visible layer to the user. The main purpose of this layer is to provide the user with meaningful attributes in organized folders. The users should be able to build the reporting solutions by seeing the names of the attributes in a particular presentation folder.

Simply put the presentation layer is a new version of BMM with proper grouping of columns and tables into subject areas according to the business model from BMM.

We can rename the columns all we want and can also implement the object level security from Presentation layer.

OBIEE 11g : Basics of BMM Layer

Business model and mapping layer is all about designing the star schema from the physical layer. But that’s not as simple as it sounds. It is also where you define or we can say guide the BI server to use

  • Preferred join condition
  • Preferred physical table
  • Logical level for aggregation
  • Hierarchy 
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Where clause
  • Fragmentation
  • Sorting order etc
All these things combined together will give you the desired level of effectiveness and if such standards are not followed OBIEE is nothing but a simple query generation tool.

The above picture is of a business model named “Usage Tracking” with four Hierarchies and 5 logical tables.

Each has its features and operations of its own. BMM layer can only contain start schema and all the dimensions should be connected to one or the other fact.

This is how a Business Model Mapping looks like

However there is one exception in the form of Lookup Table, which can be left alone but have to enable the Lookup table option

And the each dimension can have only one hierarchy related to it, which means you cannot create two hierarchies from the same dimension table.

OBIEE 11g : Basics of Physical Layer

Physical Layer is the first one from right and it also come first even when we are designing the RPD. It holds the information about the tables, columns, datatypes, database properties, connection pools etc

This is the exact replica of underlying Data source as we import the metadata from the database as shown below

This picture contains
  • One database “Oracle Data Warehouse ” 
  • Three connection pools 
  • One Catalog
  • One Database Schema “dbo”
  • And 3 tables & four Aliases


When we import some table or any metadata into the repository a Database icon will be created automatically which by default stores some of the important information associated with underlying data source. The below pictures gives you some idea about the same

Connection Pool

A connection pool is an object under a database, it stores the parameters or has the location where the parameters are available, using which we can connect to the database. As discussed earlier we require 5 parameters to connect to a Oracle Database. The picture will give you the insights of the same


Catalog is just a folder in physical layer which doesn’t have any specific significance

Schema Name

Schema Name is the name of database object under which the table is stored. Generally these names will be same as the user names if manually created and will have different names when created using an application or creation utility.


Tables are the physical objects of database where the data is stored and are exact resemblance to the database object.


Alias is a duplicate of a table created when there is a need for the same physical table more than once, below are general cases where aliases are created
  • Dimensions and facts are in same physical table
  • Same physical table needs to be joined to another table more than once using different join conditions
  • Improve performance by avoiding circular joins

OBIEE 11g: Pre Requisites for reporting using OBIEE 11g

As we are now using OBIEE for reporting purpose there are few important things that we need to obtain without which we cannot proceed.

Data Source: Most important is Data Source without this we don’t have the data or the metadata, so when there is no metadata there is no design and hence no reporting. Please ensure we have a data source with tables and some data and we know the details to connect to.

In order to connect to a data source (example Oracle Database) we need to have parameters that define the data source, these parameters include
  • Server Name ( Where Database is hosted ex. localhost)
  • Instance Name (Name of database or instance name ex. Orcl)
  • Port number ( ex 1521)
  • Username (Schema name or user who has access to required schema)
  • Password (Password of above mentioned username )
BI System : we should have a configured and working BI domain to develop and deploy the metadata files along with login as a BI Administrator
  • User Account in the OBIEE Application as BI Administrator
  • Access to the installation folder ( to change config settings)
Requirements: Now the most important of all these to know what you’re doing so before we start the process of development we should get our requirements straight.
  • Identify the exact data set 
  • Identify the tables involved and their physical relation
  • Confirm the type of view needed
  • Identify the aggregations involved

OBIEE 11g : Knowing the Metadata Files

OBIEE 11g works with lots of components and files but there are two important files which are the key in performing reporting or analytics. These files are
  • Repository
  • Catalog
These files are so important that any issue related to these files can cause severe issues like errors in reporting views to unavailability of service (downtime). A regular backup of these files along with the configuration files related is recommended as a contingency.


Repository file stores all the metadata related to data and the joins, priorities, aggregations etc. It’s the central spoc to the BI server where the query generation happens and is fired against a database whose details are also saved in repository.

Oracle BI server is owner of this file and the settings of BI server are maintained using NQSConfig.INI file

The repository file exists in the below location


There can be many files available in the above repository folder but only file will be loaded when you start the BI server and that file name is available in the NQSConfig.INI file.

The NQSConfig.INI file is located in below location


Repository file contain these below data and can be maintained by BI Administration tool

  • Metadata ( Table Information, Information about DATA)
  • Connection Pool ( Database Information)
  • Joins ( Physical as well as logical complex)
  • Variables (Session & Repository)
  • Cache Information
  • Log level information
  • Alias Tables
  • Lookup Tables
  • Logical table Sources
  • Hierarchies
  • Level based Measures
  • Time Series Functions 


This is generally called as Web catalog and can be present any where either on the server or a network share. It is a place or a folder structure where users create and save their analysis or reporting work.

And can only be accessed using the OBIEE analytics URL. The catalog can be viewed or maintained by using Catalog Manager.

Oracle Presentation Services is the owner of catalog and the settings of Oracle PS including the location of Catalog are maintained by instanceconfig.xml file.

Instanceconfig.xml file is located in the below location


Webcatalog contains the below information
  • Saved Analysis
  • Saved Dashboards
  • Saved Agents
  • User Folders 
  • Shared Reports
  • Webcatalog Groups
  • Folder Permissions
  • User Preferences (timezone , Home Page etc) 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

OBIEE 11g: Prerequisite check "CheckRollbackable" on auto-rollback patches failed

I am trying to apply the bundle patch 20124371 for the release to fix a bug based on oracle recommendation. 

I followed all the steps mentioned in the read me file and yet when i was giving the command to apply the bundle patch , first it showed some patches are already there

so i used below commands to go ahead with the patching.
[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371>opatch napply -skip_duplicate

if you don't know what that means don't worry its nothing complicated , you are just telling the system to skip the duplicates

so you will see something like this in the command window.

The following patches are identical and are skipped:
[ 16913445 16997936 19822893 ]

But now i had a different error saying

Apply Session failed: ApplySession failed to prepare the system. Interim patch [19825503] is a superset of the patch(es) [ 18657616]

System intact, OPatch will not attempt to restore the system
OPatch failed with error code 73

Now i have used one more command to apply the patch as below

[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371>opatch napply -skip_subset -skip_duplicate

This command will help you to understand the patches with same bug fixes as patches applied earlier.By default it will tell you that the superset patches will be rolled back and ask you to select the option Y

This time i ended up with the below error code.

Error Message :

UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckRollbackable" on auto-rollback patches failed.
Log file location: D:\middlewarehome\Oracle_BI1\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2015-04-10_14-39-48PM_1.log

OPatch failed with error code = 73

when we tried to find out the reason ,since the OPatch is checking for rollback it is tying to find out the original installation folder .patch_storage where the patch folders are generally saved.

When we are rolling back it will try to update the folder for the same but when a particular folder is missing and it is throwing error since it cant check if it is rollback-able.

This case can use the below code to skip that step and rollback.

[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371> opatch rollback -id 18657616 -no_sysmod

This will skip the system modification and will only update the inventory ,follow the same for all the subset patches and go ahead with the first step again.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

OBIEE 11g : nQSError 75027 Failed to open connection to SMTP Server

We have faced an issue when we created an agent and trying to see if its running properly.It runs fine and suddenly displays a message saying

                                   Eventually succeeded, but encountered and resolved errors...
                                   Number of skipped deliveries: 1 of 2

                                    AgentID: /users/weblogic/AgentExample
        [nQSError: 75027] Failed to open connection to SMTP Server (host;                                    port 465).                                  
                                   ...Trying SMTP Delivery loop again... Sleeping for 8 seconds

 This message keeps coming no matter what we do, we have checked the SMTP details and they are last we found a solution.This comes only in case of Mozilla Firefox (at-least for us). Follow the steps and you will be good.

Step 1 :  Mozilla Firefox --> Options --> Advanced Tab -->  Certificates --> View Certificates.

Now find the below three in the list and export them into a folder.


Step 2: Now login to EM --> Business Intelligence--> Coreapplication--> Deployment --> Mail

Under the SSL section make changes as below.I have given my case below.

Connection Security -- SSL/TLS

Save and restart the services. and now you should see the agent running perfectly

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

OBIEE 11g : Creating Node Manager as Windows Service

As we all know OBIEE runs on Weblogic server which was introduced by Oracle along with OBIEE 11g Version, so its pretty obvious that before we start OBIEE components we have to make sure Weblogic is running or the BI components wont start.

We have a sequence in which the components have to be started which are taken care in windows servers with a single click , Thanks to Start BI Services Icon. however we have a sequence lets look into it.

1) Weblogic Server as its the Host for all components
2) Node Manager(It is by default windows service in Enterprise Installation of OBIEE 11G)
3) Managed Servers(Comes with Enterprise Installation of OBIEE 11G) 
4) BI System Components ( BI Server, Presentation Services, Java Host, Cluster Controller, Scheduler etc..)

Lets see how can we deploy the Node Manager as Windows Service.

Step 1: 

Find and edit the file in the below location. 


Find the below parameters CrashRecoveryEnabled and StartScriptEnabled change them to true as shown.

Step 2:

Now go to the below location [ORACLE_HOME]\wlserver_10.3\server\bin and run the file installNodeMgrSvc.cmd  which should create a windows service with name as below

                Oracle WebLogic NodeManager (PATH_TO_DOMAIN)

the same can be seen in the image.

Monday, February 16, 2015

OBIEE 11g : The Connection has Failed Error

If your'e working with OBIEE then you can't deny facing the issue "The connection has failed". The most common issue faced by almost everyone when we are trying to use import metadata option.

It clearly stated that it is not able to connect or what ever we have given is not helping the application to establish a connection with the database. So if your'e using a OCI interface then you must be doing the only thing wrong. Your'e not pointing the interface to proper directory with connection descriptions i.e. tnsnames.ORA file.

Resolution: We must point the interface to the proper directory by passing the path using a environment variable.

Path to Environment Variables Menu:

My Computer --> Properties --> Advanced System Settings --> Environment Variables

click New to add a new variable as TNS_ADMIN variable. The value needs to be the path to your tnsnames.ora file, typically located at [ORACLE_HOME]\network\admin. The path will look something like the value shown below (it depends on where Oracle is installed on your system).

Hope this helps !!!

OBIEE 11g: Customizing Prompt ‘All Column Values’ to Custom Value

The requirement is to have a custom prompt value which will in turn hold all the prompt values. We mean to say All Column Values with new name. This looks simple but practically this is impossible to do. We have identified a way to achieve this in some scenarios i will explain one here.

We have a Prompt which holds the values of States in USA , now when we want to show all the values of USA (All States) we may have to select All Column Values or individually select all the values. Second is pretty bad idea as it makes no sense to select hundreds of column values. The first one is the apt but the client is looking for something different.

We need to show National instead of All Column Values as shown below.

Now lets see how this can be done.We have to build a new group as per our requirement as shown below. For this create a report which contains column that you are going to prompt and create group here with the name you need.

Provide the label as required , my case National and copy all the elements under it as shown below..

Now save the selection steps as shown below in some folder as this is where you will be finding it for use. Also select if it is going to be saved statically or dynamically, just in case if any future elements are added.

Now go to edit the prompt and include the group as shown below.

Click the Green Plus symbol to add the desired group from the saved location.

Now you can go ahead and use it as if it is a general column value.

OBIEE 11g : Trellis Chart

The name Trellis Charts will not give a good insight of what exactly this does in OBIEE. Simply speaking these are charts in grids. That is graphs in table cells or pivot cells that display matrices of measures with each cell in the matrix containing a micro chart,

Let us now build a simple Trellis Chart, which allow you to select any graph type for each chart cell, the sales is shown by product category. Perform steps as below.

1.Create a new analysis, With 3 or 4 columns. I have taken the Sample Sales and added columns as shown below.

2.Go to Results tab by default we can see the table view as below.

3. As always since we are looking for Trellis chart , add one from new view icon as show below. For now we will choose simple Trellis view.

4. Save the analysis with some name, My case I am saving as My Trellis View 

5. Click the Edit View icon of the Trellis view to go to the view adjustments. You can see the alignment difference from other views.

6.Arrange the measures and dimensions as required, for example refer below.

7. Now your Trellis view looks something like below. You can do several customizations as per your need.

This post is to get you familiarized with the Trellis views. You can play around to understand the complex views.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

OBIEE 11g : Shared logon in Connection Pool

Recently we have faced an issue where we got the error invalid username/password this has happened randomly on one morning and every user has same error.

We have tried the username/password directly on database and it is working fine but its not working with OBIEE. The connection pool is also having the same username/password.We didn't know what went wrong.

When we started debugging we came to know that the DSN used was having a username/password which was delimited as part of DB maintenance activity as it is no longer used. But how come it is responsible for our issue, because we are using the latest username/password.

Resolution for this was to enable Shared Logon

Select this option if you want all users whose queries use the connection pool to access the underlying database using the same user name and password.

If this option is selected, then all connections to the database that use the connection pool use the user name and password specified in the connection pool, even if the user has specified a database user name and password in the DSN (or in user configuration).

If this option is not selected, connections through the connection pool use the database user ID and password specified in the DSN or in the user profile.

OBIEE 11g : Change repository password from RPD

Administration tool has an option to change the password once you feel it has been compromised with too many people, we can do this by opening the RPD in Administration tool using the current password.

 Now, once it is open go to File --> Change Password as shown below.

Just enter the Current Password , and then the new password and confirm the same by re entering it.
Click OK and your'e done.

Be careful while uploading this to the server. you should use the new password in the EM.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

OBIEE 11g: Configure Lookup Table in RPD

Lookup table is a new feature in OBIEE11g.

Uses of Lookup Table

• Resolve code columns and get description/name values from a lookup table.
• It can also be used for checking the currency conversion values from a daily updated source.

There are 2 types of lookup tables.

Sparse Lookups – A sparse lookup basically means that the main driving table does not
necessarily have corresponding lookup values in the lookup table for all the id values. This can be
considered to be an equivalent of a Left Outer Join.

Dense Lookups – A dense lookup basically means that the main driving table will have matching
lookup values in the lookup table for each of its unique id value. This can be considered to be an
equivalent of an inner join.

Below are the screenshots of the steps with instructions mentioned. Hope you get what you're looking for.

OBIEE 11g Step by Step Installation with screenshots

Lets continue with OBIEE 11g as we are done with Database and RCU in our previous posts.

Download the OBIEE 11g version from here or from oracle e-delivery site and extract all the four disk into a single folder and click setup.exe from the Disk1

Universal Installer window will start and will check for the initial set up and system requirement.

After the successful precheck the first step of our OBIEE starts with the below window. Just Click 'Next'

If you have oracle Support username and password then update then use that in this step or just select first option 'Skip Software updates' and click 'Next'

Select the appropriate installation step here. I am going to install all the component of BI so selected here 'Enterprise Install' and then click 'Next'

This step will just check operating system certification and physical memory. Just click 'Next' after the check passed through

As It is a new installation, select the option 'Create New BI System' and type password for weblogic User.
Note: Save or remember the password because this is the password going to be used to access BI system, EM, Console and answers later on..
and then click 'Next'

In this step we have to select the actual folder where we want to install BI 11g. So here I have created an folder in C:\ driver and selected here by browsing the home location in this window. Remaining boxes will be automatically filled once we selected the home location then click 'Next'

With the above window we will get warning like below screen. Just Click 'Yes and click 'Next' with the above screen

In this step we would know what are the components going to be installed. If you are really going to user 'RTD' and Essbase Suite the leave it selected or Just uncheck with the below screen and click 'Next'

In this step we have to select the database where we have installed our RCU. I have done in oracle database so selected the oracle database in database type

Connection String: dbservername:portnumber:servicename
BIPLATFORM Pwd: Admin123

Note: This username and password would be same which we have given when we installed RCU

Same steps like the previous step but here with DEV_MDS username and password. After entering all the details just click 'Next'

Just Select 'Auto Port Configuration' if you want to install with the default port numbers that oracle do the installation and then click 'Next'

If we have oracle support email id we could mention with this step or just deselect the option click 'Yes' with the warning screen and click 'Next' with the below step

With this step just click 'Install' so that the actual installation will be started with the below screen:

Just watch the installation progress with this step

It take a while even the progress bar shows 100%. Post installation script might be take some time so be patient the steps will pass through.

After successful installation the configuration steps will start. It takes a while to finish all the configuration so wait to finish and then just click 'Next' when the configuration shows 100%

So actual installation and configuration are over with the above step. If you want to save the path details for middleware home, domain home and others click 'Save' with the below screen and save it in a file for reference. and the just click 'Finish' to complete the installation.

Now browse through the answers, EM and console and Play with BI.