I am trying to apply the bundle patch 20124371 for the release to fix a bug based on oracle recommendation.
I followed all the steps mentioned in the read me file and yet when i was giving the command to apply the bundle patch , first it showed some patches are already there
so i used below commands to go ahead with the patching.
if you don't know what that means don't worry its nothing complicated , you are just telling the system to skip the duplicates
so you will see something like this in the command window.
But now i had a different error saying
Now i have used one more command to apply the patch as below
This command will help you to understand the patches with same bug fixes as patches applied earlier.By default it will tell you that the superset patches will be rolled back and ask you to select the option Y
This time i ended up with the below error code.
Error Message :
UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckRollbackable" on auto-rollback patches failed.
Log file location: D:\middlewarehome\Oracle_BI1\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2015-04-10_14-39-48PM_1.log
OPatch failed with error code = 73
when we tried to find out the reason ,since the OPatch is checking for rollback it is tying to find out the original installation folder .patch_storage where the patch folders are generally saved.
When we are rolling back it will try to update the folder for the same but when a particular folder is missing and it is throwing error since it cant check if it is rollback-able.
This case can use the below code to skip that step and rollback.
[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371> opatch rollback -id 18657616 -no_sysmod
This will skip the system modification and will only update the inventory ,follow the same for all the subset patches and go ahead with the first step again.
I followed all the steps mentioned in the read me file and yet when i was giving the command to apply the bundle patch , first it showed some patches are already there
so i used below commands to go ahead with the patching.
[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371>opatch napply -skip_duplicate
if you don't know what that means don't worry its nothing complicated , you are just telling the system to skip the duplicates
so you will see something like this in the command window.
The following patches are identical and are skipped:
[ 16913445 16997936 19822893 ]
But now i had a different error saying
Apply Session failed: ApplySession failed to prepare the system. Interim patch [19825503] is a superset of the patch(es) [ 18657616]
System intact, OPatch will not attempt to restore the system
OPatch failed with error code 73
Now i have used one more command to apply the patch as below
[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371>opatch napply -skip_subset -skip_duplicate
This command will help you to understand the patches with same bug fixes as patches applied earlier.By default it will tell you that the superset patches will be rolled back and ask you to select the option Y
This time i ended up with the below error code.
Error Message :
UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckRollbackable" on auto-rollback patches failed.
Log file location: D:\middlewarehome\Oracle_BI1\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2015-04-10_14-39-48PM_1.log
OPatch failed with error code = 73
when we tried to find out the reason ,since the OPatch is checking for rollback it is tying to find out the original installation folder .patch_storage where the patch folders are generally saved.
When we are rolling back it will try to update the folder for the same but when a particular folder is missing and it is throwing error since it cant check if it is rollback-able.
This case can use the below code to skip that step and rollback.
[ORACLE_HOME]\20124371> opatch rollback -id 18657616 -no_sysmod
This will skip the system modification and will only update the inventory ,follow the same for all the subset patches and go ahead with the first step again.