Thursday, January 21, 2016

OBIEE 12c : Oracle Public URL for OBIEE 12c and OBIEE

Now its time for all of us to look at the new version of OBIEE and start upgrading. The thing about upgrades is we cannot commit to it until we see what our existing reports will turn out into. Thats the major thing for the users to approve the upgrade projects as they are afraid of something going wrong and also people fear change. But as everyone with brains say CHANGE IS GOOD, lets say the changing to OBIEE 12c is good. Here is the public url for accessing the OBIEE 12c Analytics


           Credentails : prodney/Admin123


            Credentails : Prodney/bitech#1


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Informatica : Generating CSM from command line

When ever we raise a case with Informatica , it is a general practice to send the CSM file which will have the details of the environment , Informatica Version, OS etc which will help the case engineer to analyze the issue faster.

Some cases the CSM generated from the tool might not be correct as we might be using a client etc. So we might have to generate the same from command line where the Informatica server is installed.

Below steps will help you in getting the file from command line. In all the cases the user who runs the command should be the one who starts the service.


Navigate to the below location from the command line


cd $INFA_HOME/server/csm


Informatica CSMAGENT, Version [1.0]
Invoked at Mon Jul  1 00:22:13 2013

Logging to file csmagentHOST.xml
AdminUser name:Administrator
AdminPassword for User Administrator:Administrator
Collecting information for :


 Send the output file to Informatica Technical Support.

 A file named csmagentHOST.xml will be created, that may be attached to the project csm/Informatica service request

For Windows

The csmagent in INFA_HOME\server\csm\ can be run to get the  of Informatica node installation. You must run csmagent.exe. For more details refer the following:

      Informatica csmagent, Version [1.0]
      Invoked at

      Logging to file INFA_HOME\server\csm\csmagentHOST.xml
      Collecting information for :

                OPERATING SYSTEM ...Done
                USER ENVIRONMENT ...Done
                PowerCenter Server Cannot be found on this machine.

      Please send the output file to Informatica Technical Support.
      Please hit return to exit...

A file named csmagentHOST.xml will be created in the same directory where csmagent.exe is run. It will be attached to the project csm/Informatica service request.