Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oracle Apps : XXX Not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator

It's very good to say that i have started working now on Oracle Apps, of-course i am not doing any hardcore work but just sharing few activities to just get some knowledge. We recived one request from one of the users saying he is getting a weird error when trying to login to the Oracle Apps.

The error says "XXX Not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator".

I have done some research online at last found one that solved my issue.


This happened because the user responsibility has been updated but middle tiers has yet to pick the change in assigned responsibility. To resolve this issue we need to clear the middle tier cache.


1) Login with System Administrator Responsibility
2) Navigate to System Administrator> Profile > System, click on User and enter the user name
3) Search for profile 'Applications Start Page'. Delete the value set at user level and save
4) Go to Functional Administrator -> Cacheing Framework > Clear All Cache
5) Try logging into the account and try again