Monday, December 12, 2016

OBIEE 12c: Uploadrpd and Downloadrpd Commands

Its more than a year 12c is into market and people are Testing it, Trying it out and also some using it. However, there are still questions around RPD deployments and offline access to RPD.

As per Oracle documentation Uploadrpd and Downloadrpd are meant for offline repository diagnostic and development purposes such as testing, only. And in all other cases of repository development and maintenance situations, you should use BAR to utilize BAR's repository upgrade and patching capabilities and benefits.

Now we will look at how we can use the uploadrpd and downloadrpd commands. For us, to either upload or download rpd, we will have to look at the launcher script (Linux) or datamodel.cmd(Window) from version
This same functionality is available as in OBIEE 12.2.1 Version, we find many online posts with this command.

Downloadrpd command


downloadrpd -O RPDname [-W RPDpwd] -SI service_instance -U cred_username [-P cred_password] [-S hostname] [-N port_number] [-SSL] [-H]

O - Repository Name you want to Download.
W - Password for RPD download mandatory, if not specified in command will ask when we run it.
SI - Service Instance Name
U - OBIEE username
P  - Password for the OBIEE Username
All the above are Mandatory, where as the below are needed if you are using the command from a client installation
S - OBIEE server name
N - Port number
SSL - If SSL is enabled use this
H - displays the usage information and exits the command.


./ downloadrpd -O liverpd.rpd -W Admin123 -SI ssi -U weblogic -P Admin123 

Uploadrpd command


uploadrpd -I <RPDname> [-W <RPDpwd>] -SI <service_instance> -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>] [-S <hostname>] [-N <port_number>] [-SSL] [-H]

I - RPD name you are uploading
W - Password for RPD download mandatory, if not specified in command will ask when we run it.
SI - Service Instance Name
U - OBIEE username
P  - Password for the OBIEE Username
All the above are Mandatory, where as the below are needed if you are using the command from a client installation
S - OBIEE server name
N - Port number
SSL - If SSL is enabled use this
H - displays the usage information and exits the command.


./ uploadrpd -I liverpd.rpd -W Admin123 -SI ssi -U weblogic -P Admin123

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